Ghost! Just a blogging platform, full of awesomeness

Blogging is very popular now a days. And fortunately, there are lots of available tools for blogging. The first name that ever comes in your mind is mighty Wordpress, Since 2003, this amazing blogging platform is now more than a simple blogging platform. But end user searches for a better and easier way to do things, And this is where the idea of Ghost comes from. Having said to be Just a blogging platform, Ghost aims to be as user friendly as possible.

Let's take a closer look at what it has to offer.Here's a Wappalyzer Screenshot of my blog.

Ghost is based on nodejs. So you get great performance out of the box. It uses sqlite as database. The default theme is amazing, and it supports blog cover and user profile cover as well. Ghost also uses google webfonts.

For Editing blog entries, it uses Markdown

Installation is really easy and straightforward, You don't need to be a geek to install and use ghost, a brief description on how to install can be found in their official website

Blog powered by ghost:

At the time this post was written, I found one:

Now this blog is also powered by ghost like thousands of other blogs around the internet.

Wrapping up:

Ghost has many possibilities.So far ghost has been acceped with great interest, the rate of usage will define it's true success.