css Mastering the Mystique Art of CSS Shadows Shadow is not a new feature. I remember first using it around 2010 with browser prefix. It's a great feature of CSS that also opens up a lot of possibilities. But if you
linux How I created my own VPN server in 10 minutes You might need a VPN server for many different reasons. Maybe you want to appear from a different country, Or maybe you want to unblock some website. I am a poor person, I
linux Use your VPS as Ngrok Alternative (with SSH) ngrok is a very handy tool for exposing local applications to the internet. I've been using it for a very long time.It does a good job, but the free version comes with
docker Dealing with Drupal 8 Cache from outside (Without Drush) If you have developed theme for Drupal, You know about the cache issue. In many situations, the easiest (and quickest) solution for cache is to use Drush. As convenient as as it sounds,
docker Easier Drupal Development with Docker In one of my previous post, I discussed about how I moved away from Drupal and started using Ghost for my blog. Drupal was like a big gun for a small job in
electronics My brand new AC compressor was frequently turning off. The room was not cool enough. And I learned from it. Air conditioners suffer from a problem called "Short cycling" when the compressor frequently turns itself off. I recently bought another split type air conditioner and it had this problem from the very beginning.
electronics How I replaced the keyboard and cooling fan of a MacBook air, and learned from it. There's a channel in Youtube, Jerry Rig Everything. The tagline for the channel is: Life is a DIY Project , I really believe so. When I was a kid, I used to wait for
linux An uncomplicated introduction to Firewall in linux(UFW on Ubuntu) When I heard the name Firewall for computer network, I imagined it to be a protective layer that destroys anything harmful in the transport. Like a wall of actual fire (please don't judge
docker Migrating My Blog from Drupal to Ghost I am a Drupal Fan. Most of the CMS related work I did in PHP involved Drupal. So when it was time to make my own blog back in 2013, I chose Drupal
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devtool Develop for the browser, inside the browser Developing right from the browser Isn't a new idea. There were a lot of third party tools for this work. Well, things change, our browsers changed too. It's not just your regular web
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firefox Fix Google Webfont problem in firefox (Old) Firefox fixed this bug, this method is not required any more. You probably have noticed that Google Webfont doesn't seem to work with the latest version of Firefox. Feeling worried? well there's a
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ghost Ghost! Just a blogging platform, full of awesomeness Blogging is very popular now a days. And fortunately, there are lots of available tools for blogging. The first name that ever comes in your mind is mighty Wordpress, Since 2003, this amazing
linux Use dd for creating Bootable USB stick from any Disk image the linux command line tool `dd` can be a very useful tool for creating a bootable USB disk.
linux Connectify Alternative for linux This article is very old and the method is not recommended any more. Connectify-me has been so popular among the Windows users. It allows you to create Wireless hotsopt and share your internet